I always like to have a chat on the phone before booking anyone in. This call is free and no-obligation - it's simply a case of finding out a little about you and how I might best be able to help.
I will advise on the best solution for you - a single session, a package of sessions or pay-as-you-go.
I will always help you as quickly and effectively as I am able. So, give me a call - you literally have nothing to lose.

ONE-TO-ONE SESSIONS either in person or online
  • 3 sessions - £295.
  • 2 sessions - £245.
  • 1 session - £195.
  • Pay as you go - first session £195, subsequent sessions £75.
Prices include recordings of sessions.
All recordings are professionally processed and supplied for you to download to your device.
I charge a non-refundable deposit of £100, with the full balance payable at the end of the first session.

Some private Health Cash Plans will reimburse Hypnotherapy from CNHC or GHSC accredited therapists, but please be sure to check the details if you are planning to claim.  See Useful Information.
Hypnosis is an altered state of awareness during which the subconscious mind is more receptive to suggestion.

It is extremely powerful and can even be used in place of anaesthesia.  See this link to a documentary showing the use of hypnosis during dental work and surgery.  Amazing!

Hypnosis cannot be used to make someone do or believe anything they find unacceptable.  

Yes - even those guys you see on stage clucking like chickens!  The stage hypnotist carefully selects their 'subjects' for hypnotisability.

'A general personality trait common to volunteer performers is a degree of exhibitionism; the greater the degree, the more useful the subject.' - Michael Yapko
In broad terms - yes.

Most people are capable of entering a deep enough trance for hypnotherapy to be a powerful tool for change.

Hypnotherapy is therapy conducted whilst the patient in a state of hypnosis.  Hypnosis gives us access to the subconscious mind which controls 97 percent of our behaviour and thinking patterns.

In the case of habits such as overeating and smoking, I help to re-programme your subconscious thoughts, responses and behaviours surrounding the habit.  

In the case of emotional issues such as anxiety, self-esteem or phobias,  I help to re-programme your subconscious so you view things differently, feel differently, react and behave differently.  

I aim to help you to find clarity, calm and control.  I aim to help you leave behind the old rubbish and start making the most of your life.

'Healing in a trance state is one of the oldest of the medical arts.  It was believed to be divinely inspired and that the miraculous cures which often resulted were religious in nature.’ - David Waxman
My consulting rooms are in Stone, Staffordshire.  Stone is close to Stoke-on-Trent, Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stafford.  However I also work online via Skype.
Skype sessions are proving to be just as effective as face-to-face.

My clients seem to think so.  Please see the testimonials page and my Google reviews. 

However the best way to find out is to give me a call.

If you like me we can book a session.  I am fully trained, qualified, insured and registered with the appropriate organisations.  

I am hardworking and honest.  I will do my very best to help you.  
